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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Empowering You Is Here!

It is with great pleasure that I introduce to
 you the Guest Speakers for the next 
Launch Your Creativity Event on April 20, 2013.

Topics covered include:
*The Art of Negotiating with Tara Wilson 
former Distict Attorney and owner of LuluMax
*What Being Published Really Means
with Jenny Doh
Author, Editor, Motivator
*Behind the scenes of an Online Business with Lidy Baars
Proprietress FrenchGardenhouse, Designer, Stylist
*Defining your Personal and Professional 
Style with Christine Rose Elle
Stylist, Author, Designer
*Mind Mapping & Business Strategy
with Jane Button
Business Coach
*New Hat, New World with Beth Livesay
Editor, Author, Couture Enthusiast
*Reinventing Your Dreams
with Deb Kennedy
 Entrepreneur, Stylist, Writer
*Running a Brick & Mortar
with Debi Beard
Proprietress House Vintage, Stylist, Designer 
*Defining Yourself with Sharon Hughes

Creator of  Launch Your Creativity events and Life Coach

You will leave

Encouraged, Challenged and Ready to 
Put Your Dreams into Action!

This event very well may change your life. Registration is open and limited to only 42 ladies. Breakfast and Lunch, will be served, this is an all day workshop. 
Doors open at 9:00 am. Tea service and breakfast begins promptly at 9:30. European style seating.

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